More Education, Less Discrimination! Candidature entro 17/9

Ancora un altro progetto in Romania di cui Come Pensiamo è partner: “More Education, less Discrimination”, un training di 10 giorni sul tema dell’educazione in funzione del comprendere e combattere le discriminazioni, gestito a Bucarest dall’Associazione Soliddar

Tutte le info e la possibilità di candidarsi sono disponibili a questo link (per la candidatura occorre essere registrati al sito

Non dimenticare che occorre candidarsi entro il 17 settembre. Non sai quale organizzazione inserire nella candidatura? Se ce lo anticipi informandoci via mail, nel campo ORGANIZZAZIONE puoi inserire la nostra “Associazione COME PENSIAMO”. In quel caso, se poi partecipi al training, dovremo chiederti di fare la nostra tessera di 10 euro.

More Education Training Bucharest
Ecco la descrizione del progetto in inglese.
The purpose of the project is teaching youth workers to identify, understand and stop discrimination. We will focus on using a large variety of non-formal methods that can help us raise awareness about the negative effects of discrimination.

The project „More education, less discrimination” is a training course which will take place in Bucharest, from 13-23 October 2016. 25 youth workers from 5 countries will spend 10 days together learning non-formal methods to fight discrimination.
The purpose of the project is teaching youth workers to identify, understand and disarm discrimination. We will focus on youth workers that work in an area where discrimination is a problem.

During the project we will focus on:
• a deeper understanding regarding discrimination
• quick identification of discrimination
• ways to discourage youngsters to discriminate and to be discriminated
• knowing methods of underlining the negative effects of discrimination
• a better way to communicate with the young people
• more confidence in the capacity to make a change
• a bigger motivation to improve youth work
• examples of good practices
• personal and professional development

Our objectives are:
1. Improve knowledge regarding the types of discrimination, the negative effects of discrimination, what are stereotypes and prejudices and how to avoid them, what is non-formal education and how can we use it to fight discrimination
2. Developed the ability to use non-formal methods to raise the awareness, adapting non-formal methods to different target groups and communicating more efficiently regarding difficult subjects.
3. Have more confidence, developed an protective attitude regarding the people that are discriminated, explain to young people what are the side-effects of discrimination.

Together with the volunteers from the Soliddar association and our partners, we structured the projects schedule in such a way that the participants will extract as much as they can from this experience. We will discover together what the best methods to prevent discrimination are and through our visits to the high schools we will put in practice what we have learned.
Because of the activities done during the project, the participants will have the instruments necessary to identify discrimination and to find solutions suited to the needs of a targeted group. Thus, through the accumulated information, the participants will have more confidence to act when they see a discriminating behavior. Also, they will better understand the European dimension of this situation and they will be better equipped to handle intercultural interactions.