Progetto “Learn, Act, Impact”: candidature aperte!

A fine settembre 2016 ci sarà un progetto a Bucarest per cui stiamo cercando fino a 5 partecipanti!!

Occorre considerare la disponibilità di arrivare a Bucarest entro il 22 settembre e si può ripartire non prima dell’1 di ottobre per avere diritto al rimborso del viaggio.

I costi di viaggio dall’Italia saranno rimborsati fino a un massimo di 275 euro e che non ci sono spese per il vitto e l’alloggio. Sarà tutto già previsto e predisposto dall’ente che gestisce il progetto, l’associazione ASKYOURSELF

Se sei interessato a partecipare ti basta compilare questo modulo cliccando direttamente qui.

Fallo appena puoi, perché daremo la precedenza ai primi che si candideranno compilando il modulo (sempre se verificheremo che abbiamo le giuste motivazioni e i requisiti)!

Per questo progetto non ci sono limiti di età (a partire dai 18 anni in su).  Ecco qui una descrizione del progetto in inglese …perché il progetto si svolgerà in inglese 😉

Come vedrai dalla descrizione, a questo training seguirà uno scambio giovanile per ragazzi sotto i 30 anni che si terrà a novembre. Le due attività (il Training di settembre e lo Scambio di novembre) fanno parte dello stesso progetto dal titolo LEARN, ACT, IMPACT. I partecipanti, però, possono essere diversi.

Dopo la compilazione del modulo, se sarai selezionato, ti contatteremo per spiegarti tutti i dettagli tecnici da preparare per la partenza.


The project “Learn, Act, Impact!” joins a training course and a Youth Exchange as a follow-up to “Write to project, make a change!”  held in Bucharest in December 2014 and enjoyed a strong impact among participants. Each of them is part of a team that has made at least one project Erasmus + in 2015. In discussing this issue, we identify together with them the need for a follow-up to develop or improve skills regarding organization, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of an international project. Thus was born this project which aims to provide those skills in two successive activities. The first activity of youth workers will deepen the steps mentioned above, and the second will take effect the opportunity to implement activities as group leaders in a youth exchange, while providing the young participants the opportunity to develop skills in communication. The project will gather a number of 24 participants, and the second, a total of 30 young people (of which 6 group leaders ) representing six countries as follows: Romania, Bulgaria , Lithuanian, Poland, Croatia and Italy

The objectives to be reached during the 4 months of the project:

1. Develop the knowledge of the 24 youth workers regarding negotiation techniques, assertive communication and communication with young people, the stages of project preparation, safety and protection of participants, an info-pack composition, elements of dissemination, visibility, evaluation and impact.

2. Develop the skills to 24 workers to communicate with young people, to select and motivate participants, to negotiate, to identify and communicate effectively with stakeholders, to implement non-formal methods, to work with young people and conduct a debrifing.

3. Develop pro-activity in terms of preparation and implementation of projects, increased confidence in their own skills and the ability to implement a project, bust the  desire and confidence to work with young people and the development of inclusive attitudes towards young people with fewer opportunities

At the end of the project, the 24 young group leaders will:

A. Develop knowledge about the 3 types of communication (verbal, non-verbal, para-verbal), assertive communication, the 8 key competences, understanding the learning process using non-formal methods.

B. Develop skills to communicate assertively, to give a presentation, communicate with other young people, to speak in public, to freely express their creativity and form a photo-story.

C. Develop a positive attitude regarding teamwork, the impact of international projects compared to their peers from other cultures, they have greater self-confidence and an inclusive attitude towards young people with fewer opportunities

Participants profile include disadvantaged people (11 youth workers and 15 young), people at their first project and experience in the implementation of or participation in European projects. We will take into account gender balance and we will ensure that participants are well prepared before coming to Bucharest, especially in terms of subject safety and protection of participants.

The methods used in the work were proposed and discussed with young people and youth workers so as to meet the development goals of each participant. Activities about informal methods of the most diverse (Energizers, name games, role playing) but relies on informal learning and inter-cultural evenings, museum activities, visits to schools, organized evenings. An important role is also played by the daily reflection.

The result of these two activities will be on the one hand, the impact on youth workers to be more proficient in the implementation of projects Erasmus + thus more motivated and self-confident and on the other hand, the young people are able to communicate more effectively, sociocultural skillfully developed with a different attitude in terms of participation in Erasmus + projects. We undertake multiple activities to disseminate the results, promoting the two booklets composed project and filming the project, both online and offline, in 6 the communities of our partners.

We expected it to be the long term several projects Erasmus + written policies at European level and a much greater involvement of young people in participating in these projects.